In the mid 90's I became passionate about miniature hybrid
donkey/equine crosses, after rescuing a Welsh Pony Hinny, a hybrid cross of a equine stallion sire, and a donkey
jenny. A mule hybrid is from a Donkey sire crossed with a equine mare. Her name was Martha, I found her standing thinly in
a muddy small pen, she came in poor shape, filled with worms, past due on shots, she cost a whole $50.00 to bring her
home. After putting weight on her, addressing all her health needs, making great friends, and getting one of the best corrective
farriers in the county to work with her feet, she blossomed. The day came when it was O.K. to slip on Martha's wide fattened
back to see what she might know. What I found that special day was, I had much to learn, for she was the best mount I have
ever been on. Like all passions I get involved with, it soon became an obsession, to learn how had Martha come to be, so instantly
I turned to research the genetics involved in this cross. I met with Dr. Tex Taylor over the Donkey & Mule research program
at Texas A & M. After many many discussions, study, meetings, trips to A&M, and his farm, I knew I was at the very
tip of the education ice burg with Donkeys, Mules, and Hinnies. Thank you Tex! To this day, I'm still at the tip of this great
passion. For more information, I'm always happy to talk with you, and a great link from ADMS, ( American Donkey & Mule
Society ) can be found here,,
More information on Miniature Donkeys |

*Click* Picture For ADMS Link |
~ Lexus ~ |

Reg. Miniature Mediterranean Spotted Donkey as a babe. |
~ Lexus ~ |

4 yrs., 30 3/4 in. |
Lexus, (30 3/4") Reg. Mini Mediterranean 2/1999 |

For Sale $4000.00, Slate & white spots rare stripes |
About the same period I became hooked on miniature
donkeys, I also fell in love with a weanling pinto Miniature Horse colt who was foaled by El Rancho Loco. The colt came to
be named ERLs Phantom. He did very well in his limited showing by me, including Model Stallion at The Houston Livestock
Show, until retirment from a eye injury as a yearling in the pasture at play. I was invited to handle a few
babes, and foal watch at El Rancho Loco while they had to be away. Phantom was one of those first youngsters born that year.
He stole my heart from the first moment, (noteing before I met him, I swore I would NEVER own a Miniature Horse, until I saw
this pretty perfect small spotted big horse copy ;), and I have never regreted allowing his love into my heart. I could not
believe he was on the sales list, I kept asking repeatedly, "are you sure"? I know now he was always meant to be here, our
paths were always ment to be as one. We truly hold very special memories together, as we create more each day. Not only is
he handsome, as well smart, he's is the sweetest man at hand, or in the pasture with mares, jennies or babes, or people, large
and small. I think it is this wonderful diposition with his great intelligence that jennies allow his cover. In fact they
adore him just as his mares, all who meet him, and I do. Please meet R main beloved boy toy Miniature
Horse, and Miniature Hinny herd sire,
ERLs Phantom.

Promoting AKC's Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program |

A.K.C. CGC Evaluator, contact me for training, or testing! |
~R Farm & Kennel Email~
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Please note; I cannot recommend or approve of
the ads Tripod adds to the top or bottom of each web page. Please be certain you research all products, services, and in what
to look for in a ethical breeder, or services when searching for your forever future pet, or better yet, consider
adoption from a well established pet adoption agency with great references!
For Miniature Pinscher adoption, a wonderful place
to start is, IMPS,