Please note; I cannot recommend or approve of
the ads Tripod or other sites add to the top or bottom of each web page. It is done by them for use of their site. Please
be certain you research all products, services, and in what to look for in a ethical breeder when searching for your forever
future pet, or better yet, consider adoption from a well established pet adoption agency with great references! For Miniature Pinscher adoption, a wonderful place to start is, IMPS, http://www.minpinrescue.org/
On this page I'll include links
to other sites that have to do with my passions, and might be of help, or of interest to you too. If you notice any broken
links, please let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites!

Is breathing harder for
you lately in Texas?
Please take the time to visit;
Texans Protecting Our Water Environment
Find out how it could get even
Then decide how you can help make it better,
for us each, our children,
Texas & our world!

Before ever useing the below please contact us for our review of their services,
Butterfly Web Graphics
AVMA on Vaccines, *Click Here*
We use Dr. Jean Dodds DVM Vaccine Protocols, *Click Here*
Changing Vaccine Protocols W. Jean Dodds, DVM, *Click Here*
Merck Vet. Manual Online, *Click Here*
Deafness in canines/dogs, *Click Here*
Animal Genetics, *Click Here*
Canine Color Genetics, *Click Here*
Canine Inherited Disorders Database, *Click Here*
UCDavis Equine Coat Genetics, *Click Here*
Control of Genetic Disease in dogs, *Click Here*
Check out my other passion, Photography *Click to Enter*

Canine Genetics Primer & FREE Canine Genetics Software
- Free program for predicting phenotypes of
dogs based on known genotypes, and calculating mating
From the makers of
Breeders Assistant Pedigree Software.
Promoting AKC's Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program |

A.K.C. CGC Evaluator, contact me for training, or testing! |
~R Farm & Kennel Email~
*Click* To Visit Art By Kimberley's Zazzle Shop & Start Shopping with Zazzle,
or join Zazzle too!
Tired of your first life? Try a Second Life, *Click* here to explore more of your dreams!
Copyright © R Farm & Kennel 1989
The images on my pages are available for viewing only and may not be used for any other
purpose, unless other wise stated by me. The images or pages may not be linked to, copied, printed, or posted to other web
sites without the permission of Kimberley Elmore Petross.
The United States of America provides the right and the protection of “Original
Works of Authorship” and certain "Intellectual Property Works." As the Owner of copyrighted works I hold the exclusive
rights to duplicate, distribute, and create derivative works from my works. All the text, photographs, images, products, art
work, their titles, descriptions, and designs, used on my web site as well as the finished products which I design, create,
or produce, are protected under the
*** U. S. Copyright Laws (Title 17, U.S. Code). ***
I WILL seek, accordingly, to protect my, or other's works and rights against unauthorized use and infringement.
Please note, a criminal investigation WILL be initiated in cases of willful infringement for profit or any and all other unauthorized
use of my work.
Please note; I cannot recommend or approve of
the ads Tripod adds to the top or bottom of each web page. Please be certain you research all products, services, and in what
to look for in a ethical breeder, or services when searching for your forever future pet, or better yet, consider
adoption from a well established pet adoption agency with great references!
For Miniature Pinscher adoption, a wonderful place
to start is, IMPS, http://www.minpinrescue.org/