Despite the miniaturized resemblance
to the Doberman Pinscher, the Miniature Pinscher is actually a much older breed, not related to the Doberman at all. Well
known in it's native Germany for more then 300 years. Thought to be developed from a cross between the Italian Greyhound,
the Dachshund, and possibly the Pug. The breed is also referred to as the Reh Pinscher, after the breed's resemblance to a
small species of deer in Europe, by that same name. Miniature Pinschers were originally used to hunt rats, small game, and
other vermin, giving any feline a run for it's money in the mousing department. Now-a-days, however, the Miniature Pinscher
is bred for one purpose: to be a healthy loving, devoted family member, or show dog, both jobs at which the breed truly excels.
Although these adorable little dogs appear quit fragile, they are actually fairly rugged, making them a suitable playmate
for older children. They stand from, 10 to 12 1/2 inches at the shoulder and have naturally erect, (sometimes cropped ), or
tipped ears, a very distinctive, hackney gait, graceful neck, and animated expression which thrills spectators at dog shows.
The short, tight, shiny, smooth coat requires very minimal grooming, and comes in shades of blue, black, or chocolate, with
tan or rust markings, and also in various shades of solid red, to stag red. Miniature Pinschers make wonderful pets for elderly
or disabled dog lovers as well. They thrive on human companionship, and require a devoted owner with plenty of love, and a
soft warm lap to offer.
The Miniature Pinscher was known in it's early foundation years as
the "Reh Pinscher", due to its resemblance to a small red deer, the Reh, which freely roamed the German forests many years
Observing the breed it is easy for one to see how this is indeed a
very true statement, in describing the breed, as resembling the red Reh of the wood, ( all Reh are Red, not all Miniature
Pinschers ). As they all move, sound, act very much as a Reh Deer, regardless of coat color, only far more loving, and loyal.
The breed today comes in the shades of blue, black, or chocolate, with
tan or rust markings, and also in various shades of solid red, to stag red.
Blues were removed from the standard in the U.S.A., by MPCA, (Miniature
Pinscher Club of America), in 1980, due to the early theory, that all blues had coat problems. However the color is recognized
still by A.K.C. as a registered color in the breed, as well as breed registries in other countries. While they can no longer
compete in conformation at this time in the U.S.A., they can compete in everything else at show, and can, as well as do compete
in conformation in other countries.
"In German books, the breed is mentioned for the first time by name
by Dr. H.G. Reinchenbach, who in 1836 stated that the color was most often black, and that he believed the breed to be either
the offspring of the Pug and Dachshund, or perhaps of the Italian Greyhound and Dachshund. pg. #9 " noted from, " The Complete
Miniature Pinscher, by, Viva Leona Ricketts, copyright, 1957.
"In 1880 the breed was recognized officially for the first time, and
an official Standard was included in the German studbook. In many respects the official German Standard of today is as it
was then, ( remembering this book's copyright, The Complete Miniature Pinscher, by, Viva Leona Ricketts, copyright, was, 1957,
and blues where accepted at that time in our standard, and solid red was not mentioned until later German standards ), especially
as it states: " The behavior is curious and bold like that of the Smooth Haired Terrier. He is always watchful, but avoiding
useless noise. The head shows a stop to the nose, the eyes middle great, round, with sharp expression. The back is a little
bit vault, the hair shall be as much as possible hard, the ears short and with soft hairs. Colors: Red-yellow, or gray-yellow;
head, feet, and beneath the body lighter gray-white colored." Further it reads:" Black, gray like iron or silver-gray, ether
one color or with yellow-brown or light-red markings at the eyes, muzzle, and legs, like it is on the Dachshund to be seen."
" They are also of one color, blond or dirty gray-white or white with
black spots. Faults are: Muzzles which are like that of the Great Dane in shape, too edgeless, or to pointed. " pg. # 10 &
pg. # 11, The Complete Miniature Pinscher, by, Viva Leona Ricketts,copyright, 1957.
pg. 15 goes on, "The red color was *then* finding much favor; ( this
is speaking of the time from 1900-1914 ), the reds were of high quality both in type and color and they bid fair to equal
the numbers of the blacks. There were also many of the chocolate-brown color, and blues with red markings. It is said of the
blues that they were of clear color, not muddy, and that they were very beautiful and exotic, while many of the brown (red),
ones were of too light a color, and were dull and uninteresting. The dogs of good chocolate-brown color made a fine impression,
and if one had to choose between the two colors, the chocolate color was to be preferred, it was said." pg.16.
Blue Miniature Pinschers have in the past been thought to all have
Color Dilution Alopecia, (CDA). Though at this time inheritance is unclear. Responsible breeders protectors of the foundation
colors are not finding this to be true. We too can also see CDA affected dogs in all colors of the breed. The condition is
thought to be due to the interaction of different factors at the gene position for color. It is not determined by the genes
at that locus, because not all dogs with color dilution develop coat problems. Also noted in recent studies, % occurrence,
varies from breed to breed. Study is forth coming as to, why, some breeds have more incidence in dilutes, while other breeds
do not. Weimeraners as a breed are dd, all individuals are dilute, yet the disease is noted as having no incidence in the
breed. Using Dobermans as an example, { as often done in the past }, which are high for CDA { 50-80 %}, is not a good reference
for the Miniature Pinscher breed as we are not related to the Doberman. The Doberman was bred, and recorded much later. However
the incidence of CDA in the Dachshund (blue), & Italian Greyhound (blue), to whom we are noted to be related, while it
occurs in both those breeds, it is noted as occurring only rarely. The incidence of CDA in IG's is around * 7% *, of the dilute
population, as opposed to the *50-80%*, of affected dilute Dobermans. Recent studies now indicate dogs with lighter blue or
fawn hair coats with CDA, usually start to show changes if they are, by 6 months while in dogs with darker steel blue coats,
the changes may not be evident until 2 or 3 years of age, and in general, if no changes are evident at 6 mos., there is less
likely-hood it will occur at all. If a blue Miniature Pinscher displays something as simple as puppy pimples, a rash, allergy,
or shot reaction, common to any one color of our breed, it is immediately often thought of as being CDA related. When in truth,
the animal in question is being falsely identified, and diagnosed. Over the years, a few responsible breeders of blue lines,
are, and have been culling to clear the Miniature Pinscher CDA breed flaw, in their lines. Thus improving the long time foundation
color, as well as the breed over all, protecting it's foundation while maintaining excellent health, quality, breed purpose,
and glory. Today do to their hard work, as well as dedication, we see blue Miniature Pinschers equal in every way to any other
color in the breed. Maybe one day too we will see the time they can return to the ring of conformation in all their exotic
beauty as in our breed's very beginning.
copyright; Kimberley Elmore Petross 2000
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